episode 2


Dare to dream series

When there’s no room in our world for positive thoughts or kindness of ourselves, then the ground is fertile for seeds of discontent and a harvest of tears, a never-ending road of uphill battles, stressful days, sleepless nights, bodies falling apart, lives on a loop of rising to ride on an infinite circle then to bed only to sleep in darkness to wake and rise and do it again.  And a life of run-on sentences…

When we get a glimpse of the light, if only a flicker, our world grows outside of the boundaries of what is a “normal day”.  Then… then… even if our route is the same we find ourselves stopping along the way and turning outward with our toes pointing to the shoulder of the road of our lives and we take a quick peek at the horizon but then, **push**, we’re jolted back to our realities and our feet forge ahead, but only the way we’re used to, therefore not forging but existing, but not living within our existence, just sustaining, surviving from wake to sleep. 

Now, the flicker has brought color to the space that darkness laid quietly between night and morning bringing a sense of hope we aren’t aware of when our bodies are part of a whole moving world.  Planting a seed that now tickles the earth of our inner most thoughts.  We recall that slight movement every now and again, giving a little more life to it each time.  Then when its ready it reaches for the light that exists outside of us and the earth gives way for growth.  A hope that now has quiet roots, but deep ones grown when we weren’t looking.  A hope that stands strong and continues to ignore the surroundings of the world stomping in tandem, but the hope reaches for the light that feeds it life.  Watering it with our tears of fear, our tears of joy and excitement.  We can no longer resist turning our gaze from what grew in us.  The hope resides.  It has been there deep within us. 

Dreaming has allowed our minds to expand our thinking borders past the rote characteristics of our everyday, past the negativity.  Dreaming has allowed our hearts to feel again.  Allowed our hearts to be kind again, to ourselves and to our world.  Allowing us to recognize our worth.  Now that we’ve turned to dreaming let’s sit in the cool shade of this hope sprung forth and start to live.